I noticed today that one of my Birds eye Chilli seedlings wasn't doing quite as well as the others it was in the same seed tray as. On closer inspection there was what appeared to be a green lump on the side of the stem, then I realised it was a rather plump aphid. I immediately removed the offending creature and treated it to a size 10 on the back step (I wasn't going to take any risks of it getting back in).
A quick google later and it appears aphids are very difficult to shift once they move in. Particularly on tiny seedlings like mine. So I marched back into the kitchen and squeezed the top of the seedling between my 2 fingers as hard as I could (to squash any other hiding greedy green gits) and pulled out the seedling and dumped it into the food recycling bin.
I guess only time and vigilance will show if I have caught things early enough, but I certainly hope so.
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